Granddad was at the site and had fitted the downstairs toilet in Sabrina’s place. We found him hiding in Nicola and Stephens living room putting together the sanity wares. I’ve told Granddad he should read my blog! I fear that as he still completes his invoices on a typewriter he will never see it. Did you know you can still buy typewriter ribbon? Our cousin Jason orders it from the internet as you cannot source it anywhere else. Thought I’d take a few shots of the wine cooler for my friends. I am sure that Rachael and Claire will be able to empty this in an evening. Sabrina has one too and will probably be stocking it with Rose for her friends. I think they like something more orangey to drink, or was that just their skin they liked orange after Sab and her mates had spray tans this week.
We have had a mad spending session on in the last of couple of weeks and frequented many shops to spend our hard earned cash and savings. We have brought everything and anything from Next, Ikea, Currys, Harveys. One of the shops we have visited many times is International Furniture in Andover we just like the price and the quality of the wooden furniture and the fact that is you ask nicely you get discount. It is a family run business and Sabrina has brought beautiful solid living room furniture in there for her place. Here’s hoping the cats don’t scratch that or the Guinea pigs down chew the leg of the coffee table like they did the last one.