Because he had a bad case of SHINGLES...
At the present time Keiran has been up on the roof quite a lot. The roofing is coming along with the felt and battoning done the tiles are about to be put on to make it water tight. It looks amazing!
Kieran had his brother on site to help him carry the roof tiles up the ladder and stack them on the roof. Kieran who is a trained roofer has saved us lots of money, so we wanted to pay him back by letting him marry Sabrina; I think that is a fair deal. Good job Kieran has also been in the army as he can practice his marching skills again in August all the way down the aisle, to get wed.
The other lads have been plaster boarding the ceilings in the upstairs bedrooms and are about to get the stud walls under way.
We have also had to make a lot of decisions lately. We had a meeting a few weeks ago with our Uncle Robin (the electrician) to decide about how many electrical plug sockets, tv aerial sockets, phone sockets, light switches, and lighting fixtures were needed for the house. I never realised there were so many types of socket out there. This was also the perfect opportunity to work out where those sockets and lights should go a very important decision. Is there a socket in your house you never use? Do you only have one double socket behind your television? Why do people do that? Everybody knows that behind the television you need to plug in the tv, dvd player, sky box and games console, we will be able to do this in our new places.
Catalogues full of door options |
A really pretty door |
Sabrina has been busy picking windows and doors. She told us she would like us to have red doors at first I wasn’t so sure but after seeing the brochure she does have taste and they do actually look quite something on the houses in the brochure.
wow nicky - the house is looking fab! Must be so cool getting to choose all your own options like that. I still hope to build my own home one day! I shall be asking you for advice for sure - c'os yours is great!! Love Rach x